
  Blue Rose  

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Uploaded: 05/05/11 3:09 PM GMT
Blue Rose
Views: 1914
Dlds: 139
Status: active

"The blue rose means mystery. An appreciation for the enigmatic, the inexplicable is expressed by the blue rose. A tantalizing vision that cannot be totally pinned down, a mystery that cannot be fully unraveled is the blue rose. A person who receives the blue rose is the subject of much speculation and thought. A complex personality that does not allow easy interpretation is what the blue rose indicates."

"Due to the absence in nature of blue roses they traditionally signify a mystery, or attaining the impossible, or never ending quest for the impossible. They are believed to be able to grant the owner youth or grant wishes."

Made in Vue Esprit+ with a free rose model from TurboSquid.

Prints of this and other works are available at RedBubble and Zazzle.


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