
  Sink or Swim  

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Uploaded: 11/26/10 9:09 PM GMT
Sink or Swim
Views: 2424
Dlds: 147
Status: active

A friend got in a boat and threw my wallpapers into the sea, while I waited near the seabed with my trusty Canon, and snapped them as they tumbled past.

Oh, all right. :-) Photoshop CS5. I had a fight on my hands with those big bubbles, but found a tutorial at eHow... it was surprisingly quick and effective, though I had to layer the bubbles (which were almost invisible against the background) and change their colours.

There are 129 wallpapers featured, all of them posted to my gallery here on Caedes. I deleted two a while ago but still included them (Misty Veil and Test Tubers). (Misty Veil is the pastel pink and green fractal drifting below the planet scene).

My rose for Verena is in the top left corner with the brightest bubbles.

I learned a few things from this project... not least that I can still be surprised by my own priorities (which ones sank and which ones swam). My bear is the biggest, swimmiest one here, but then I have to live with him. When I got his wallpaper out and started reducing it down, he fixed me with a glittering eye, as though to say "just you dare!"

It was a bit of a 'labour of love'... I hope you enjoy.


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