
  Cottage Industry  

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Uploaded: 06/02/17 2:43 PM GMT
Cottage Industry
Views: 1393
Dlds: 432
Status: active

**Autopainted attempt 2**

Is it busy enough to merit the title? :-D

I quartered the original 'double exposure' picture to get greater detail, autopainting each quarter separately then masking them together in Photoshop (had to do ten or more bits in the end to cover all the cracks). I also straightened the window before autopainting -- I'd used a wide angle lens and it slanted strongly.

In addition a satellite dish obtruding into the picture had to be painted out.

Overall, I don't think it was worth the work, so it's not a method I will use again. Might be quicker to paint things myself!

Software used:

AutoPainter Express
Snapseed (on iPad) (for double exposure and other effects)
Photoshop CS5

Previous: Autopainted attempt 1.

Edit: suddenly remembered that this version is different from the first because I used AutoPainter Express on the Mac for this one, not AutoPainter HD on the iPad. Now I have a Canadian link and a US one!


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