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Uploaded: 10/07/18 8:52 AM GMT
Views: 793
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Status: active

Apophysis, Bryce and Photoshop.

Made 2011, 'discovered' 3 October 2018.

I formed the city in Bryce and the fantasy reflection in Apophysis 7X. The underwater and reflection effect were created in Photoshop. The fractal uses Shortgreenpigg's 3D Stairways Script.

It's another 'lost' scene from the Other Cities Photoshop file. I tried all the hidden layers and found it before I got to Beneath the Surface, as it was more straightforward.

I notice it's similar to a wallpaper I posted in October 2011 -- Night Reflections... so that seems to be yet another member of the 'other cities' coterie!

The reason I got curious about the hidden layers is that I had 'Other Cities' parked in an Apophysis folder and didn't understand why, as it appeared to be all Bryce 3D. I was checking I hadn't used a fractal in some subtle way that I'd forgotten about... turns out it was just that it wasn't used in that one.


The rambling is mostly notes to myself... can come in useful when I'm doing future sleuthing. :-)


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