
  Revisited Memory  

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Uploaded: 06/03/14 11:27 AM GMT
Revisited Memory
Views: 1677
Dlds: 917
Status: active

Memories Awaiting Tomorrow's Recall is my most successful “non-main” picture I have ever posted. When you click on it, you will see that it has 1406 views, 733 down loads (by the way, has anyone else noticed that the download count on the Control Panel is not matching the number you see on your upload page on all of your pictures?), and 30 favorites.

A little bit about its history. After it was posted, it was selected and admitted to the forerunner of the Main gallery, the “Permanent” gallery. However, shortly later it was removed by a mod.

Much time past and when the artist membership gained the right to vote for pictures to be included in the Perms, it was placed into the Perms by the vote of the AC.

Unfortunately again, it was later removed by a mod. The picture has visual flaws, for sure, and I do not harbor any “buts” about it.

I recently found the picture I had used in creating Memories Awaiting Tomorrow’s Recall. It was not all that well taken and I can see why I had manipulated it in the first place. So, I dusted it off, cleaned it up, re-cropped it, added a sky, played a bit with its lights and shadows, and with its colors and now have, Revisited Memory, for your review.


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