
  Sea Iguana  

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Uploaded: 03/29/05 1:23 AM GMT
Sea Iguana
Views: 3211
Dlds: 773
Status: active

The only swiming lizard in the world! Found on the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. Their tales are flattened sideways for swimming and they have flat noses so they can better rip seeweed off the rocks. The galapagos islands were formed volcanically only several million years ago. That is VERY recent, and unless they were dropped off by Noah's ark, I see that as prety dang good evidence for evolution.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh and I want everyone to know they can ignore the automatic coppyright on all my photos. Do whatever you want with them. I didn't ask to have them copyrighted, and I would actually be flattered to see someone posting them elsewhere on the net. However, it would be nice if you specified somewhere that they came from me, Eric Parfitt.


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