
  Dryden Flight: SR-71B  

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Uploaded: 10/13/07 9:55 PM GMT
Dryden Flight: SR-71B
Views: 3759
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Status: active

NASA operated two Blackbirds, an SR-71A, for high-speed, high altitude research, and this SR-71B pilot trainer for most of the decade of the 1990s. The SR-71 was designed and built by the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works. Less than 20% of the total thrust used to fly at Mach 3 is produced by the engine itself. The balance is produced by the unique design of the engine inlet and "moveable spike" system as well as the ejector nozzles at the exhaust which burn air compressed in the engine bypass system. Data from the SR-71 high speed research program will be used to aid designers of future supersonic/hypersonic aircraft and propulsion systems, including a high speed civil transport.

Credit: NASA Dryden Photo Collection.


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