
  Dragon Flyer  

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Uploaded: 11/30/11 1:16 PM GMT
Dragon Flyer
Views: 1515
Dlds: 91
Status: active

One from the Calendar gardens.

As I type this I can see snow outside my window, we had 7.5-8 inches which started yesterday afternoon, it was a heavey wet snow, and was done by midnight. I'm so glad I do not have to get up early and drive in it!! Now today 42 is predicted and sunny! :)

We almost lost power several times, but it always came back on, others were not so lucky.

Of course I'm taking pictures as the sun is coming up, so will see if there is anything worth sharing.

I hope you enjoy this capture from summer, and again I was trying something different with the presentation.

Thank you for commenting.

Tigs♥ =^..^=


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