
  The Monarch Butterfly_New Beginning  

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Uploaded: 08/05/15 12:17 AM GMT
The Monarch Butterfly_New Beginning
Views: 1460
Dlds: 753
Status: active

Yesterday evening I was invited to witness the release of this monarch. My new friend Brenda who is a photographer, and butterfly lover has learned how to look for their eggs, raises them in a lovely butterfly house her husband built for her, and then puts them on their favorite host plants and keeps track of the chrysalis until it hatches.

This protects them from their many predators, and ensures they will become a beautiful monarch. What you see here is one of two she released, this one was smaller, and gave us many photo opts until it finally took flight. This is one of the most wonderful experiences I have had.

We put our hands together, and it walked onto my finger, and I was in awe of the moment, before it took flight.

I decided to pull out my canon t3i, and thought I had everything set in the settings, but it went to default-auto, and this ended up being an ISO Of 3200, so I ran it through a noise reduction,it has been cropped. I used my 70-300, and meant to grab my 40D as well, and ran off without it. :)

Thank you for your comments, and hope you enjoy this one even though I kind of messed up. I hope I will have another photo opt, she has many more to release.



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