
Works by Malev

The Bench and the Lighthouse by Malev, Photography->Shorelines gallery Vastness by Malev, Photography->Water gallery Hazy Sundown by Malev, Photography->Landscape gallery
The Bench and the Lighthouse Vastness Hazy Sundown
The Old farmhouse by Malev, Photography->Architecture gallery The Church of Tara by Malev, Photography->Landscape gallery Mountains in the Background by Malev, Photography->Landscape gallery
The Old farmhouse The Church of Tara Mountains in the Background
Desert Safari by Malev, Photography->Landscape gallery Staring at the Horizon by Malev, Photography->Shorelines gallery Coastal Islands by Malev, Photography->Shorelines gallery
Desert Safari Staring at the Horizon Coastal Islands
Mt. Sinai Sunrise by Malev, Photography->Mountains gallery Dublin Waterside by Malev, Photography->City gallery A Camera Sunset by Malev, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery
Mt. Sinai Sunrise Dublin Waterside A Camera Sunset