
Works by kidder

Soldiers Memorial by kidder, Photography->Sculpture gallery Shepherd by kidder, Photography->Sculpture gallery Cupola by kidder, Photography->Architecture gallery
Soldiers Memorial Shepherd Cupola
Little Blue by kidder, Photography->Butterflies gallery Over The River and Through The Woods by kidder, Photography->Landscape gallery Footbridge by kidder, Photography->Architecture gallery
Little Blue Over The River and Through The Woods Footbridge
And this will be a sign for you.. by kidder, Holidays->Christmas gallery New Settlers by kidder, Photography->Transportation gallery Passing it On by kidder, Photography->Sculpture gallery
And this will be a sign for you.. New Settlers Passing it On
Courthouse Clocktower by kidder, Photography->Architecture gallery A Tall Texan? by kidder, Photography->People gallery I Lost My Contact Lens! by kidder, Photography->Animals gallery
Courthouse Clocktower A Tall Texan? I Lost My Contact Lens!