
  One of Those Days...  

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Uploaded: 08/10/10 5:43 AM GMT
One of Those Days...
Views: 557
Dlds: 46
Status: active

... or Banging Your Head. Whichever title works best for you. I met this young doe on one of the park trails about a month ago. She appeared on a side trail and disappeared into the forest before I could get a good photo. So having nothing better to do besides donate blood to the local mosquito population, I waited around. A short while later she came back out onto the path. Again, I missed my chance for a good shot as she once more stepped into the forest on the other side of the trail. Luckily the trees were well spaced on that side. So I spent the next 30 minutes having a long-winded one-sided conversation with her and trying my best to get a photo of her out in the open. That never happened; and at one point I thought a couple of other hikers on another trail on the other side of her would spook her into flight. But she remained calm and concentrated on browsing and pretty much ignored us. Eventually she got bored of my company and wandered off deeper into the forest. This is one of the better, more presentable shots I managed to take during our time together. Hope you enjoy and your comments welcomed.


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