
  Lumbering Beast  

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Uploaded: 06/17/11 2:54 AM GMT
Lumbering Beast
Views: 505
Dlds: 43
Status: active

I have heard tales of this great beast roaming the forest for many years. So I set out at once to capture it in its natural habitat before it disappeared forever. For many, many months I wandered near and far through the wilderness. Far seemed to work better as near was filled with homes and businesses and some people have a problem with perfect strangers trampling over their petunias or camping out in the produce aisle.

Finally some weeks ago I stumbled onto this site. It was early on a damp, chilly morning; the fog hung thickly and silence reigned in the air. The beast lay at rest, seemingly asleep, but I dared go no closer lest I arouse its rumbling anger and get caught in it's steel jaws. I could only surmise that it was the height of the mating season. A vast swath of the forest had been laid to waste as if the beast had recently battled some rival to defend its territory. I would have consulted an expert in the field, but no experts were to be seen. I later found out that experts like the comforts of civilization.

Enjoy and your comments welcomed.


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