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Uploaded: 08/11/10 3:46 PM GMT
Views: 2350
Dlds: 301
Status: active

Here is the first in my series's of car shot's from Hot August Night's in Reno, Nevada. There were a lot of Belair's, Mustangs, SS's, etc., but I will start with the unusual and unique first:) I have no clue what this originally was but it really doesn't matter to me as I loved this anyway:):) The presentation of each car I will show won't be all that flashy as they are all so close together it was impossible to get a shot of a single car without another being in the same shot. And then there's the car next to each car reflected in the side so you don't get the whole effect of the main image but that's manageable I hope:) I confess, although there is a plaque in each cars window clearly identifying them as to there original make and model year I neglected to include that in most images but it will be obvious in subsequent postings as some have their description listed plainly in sight as you will see later:) I added some pseudo sky in this image as the BG was all washed out due to the stormy, broken clouds and bright sunshine coming through them. Hope you enjoy:) Thanks for all your comments. BB


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