
  Hat Game  

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Uploaded: 06/27/19 4:00 AM GMT
Hat Game
Views: 166
Dlds: 60
Status: active

So, my family has this tradition going on for 30 years now where we sit down together and we take a sheet of paper and starting at the top we each draw a hat and then mark the location where the head would be at the bottom of the hat and then we fold the paper over so the next person can't see what we just drew but has a reference to start the next body part, from top to bottom. We then pass it to the person to our left or right and then we each draw a head of any shape or whatever we can think of. We fold the paper over again and pass it along for the next person to draw the body, and then the legs and finally the feet, or whatever constitutes feet. As you can see, it always comes out a mixed bag with remarkable and usually hilarious results as this one did. This one is from myself and my son and one of my daughters. This is an ongoing wonderful part of our family legacy/traditions so I am sharing this with you my friends on this "Wacky Wednesday"!! Enjoy:)


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