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Uploaded: 10/31/07 3:33 PM GMT
Views: 764
Dlds: 76
Status: active

I've been just Swamped with all sorts of things lately, and really miss my Caedes Time and being able to interact with all my friends here! :-( Hopefully, things will settle down a bit in a few weeks, and I can get back to Normal!!! I have had one neat thing happen here in the last couple of weeks....I am honored to have a collection of some of my work published by "Second Nature". I've known and used Second Nature for over 20 years, and am very proud to be able to help them contribute to Animal and Nature conservation. I make no money from them for this collection, I'm just proud to have my collection accepted among their magnificant artists. Here's a link to my collection on Second Nature.Majestic Waters If anyone would like a Free download of this collection, please drop me a PM and I'll send you the free download code. That is one of the "gifts" from Second Nature to my friends.:-) THIS picture, is something I made up for my wife and her best Girlfriend as wallpaper, at their request. Thanks very much for Looking! Hope to be back to "normal" in a couple weeks. Be assured I'm still "looking" and will comment when time allows. Thanks much.


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