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Uploaded: 02/17/10 8:15 PM GMT
Views: 394
Dlds: 24
Status: active

This photo was taken at the Teich Bird Reserve which is a protected nature reserve, managed to attract wild birds so they can be seen a closer quarters by the public. 120 hectares of forest, reedbeds, meadows, saltmarsh and water stretch out between the mainland sector up to the coastline of the Arcachon Bassin. This richness of habitats naturally attracts a large range of different bird species which either inhabit these areas permanently (resident species) or visit on a more temporary basis (migratory species). 260 species have been recorded here, 80 of which breed in the reserve. Thanks to the reserve’s conservation efforts as regards certain rare species, the reserve is recognized as being a site of International importance. Thanks for viewing.


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