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Uploaded: 08/01/07 9:17 PM GMT
Views: 3923
Dlds: 1192
Status: active

not quite dusk this evening, with the infra red filter. i've even found out some information for you all about the bridge... shock horror!! Bishop Bridge is the only surviving medieval bridge in the city of Norwich. It was built in 1340, one of the oldest bridges still in use in England. A fortified gatehouse stood on the bridge until the 18th century, and the semi-circular projection you can see today is part of its outer turrets. In 1549 it became a battlefield, when Robert Kett's rebels fought royal troops. The rebels overcame the defenders, and ran amok through Norwich. You can see the arms of the city - a lion and castle - carved over a central arch; the Red Lion pub probably derives its name from this. Originally owned by monks, the prior was allowed to build houses on the bridge but had to allow access for people and their horses beside the arches. In 1393 it was handed over to the city


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