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Uploaded: 09/24/09 2:15 AM GMT
Views: 1083
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Status: active


I don’t know if we’ve ever touched base before on the play on V's name and that ghostly taunt here, but like I said…this Halloween is my 30th year as an “outcast”…and finding myself…

More like 30 years of procrastination with the latter…NOT so proud of that one, and not exactly the way I really intended it to be…As I stated in a response to a post, I might’ve not been nearly as irresponsible, and heedless (or as abusive) as my father, and some of the others I looked up to…But, in a nutshell…when you also got some positive things going for you, and STILL …you too, sit foolishly and irresponsibly on your butt in indecision on what you really want to do, and continue to screw off and just let life “float by”…until you find your back is up against a wall…strange things can (and will) happen – and when it comes down to it…you too, are “sellin’ your soul”…Maybe not in the same way…but you are definitely playing with fire, yourself!…

Does that nasty dude with the horns…and the evil disposition even care about how you go about slackin’ off your time?…Nope…That boy’s all “cash and carry”…Make no mistake…

So, I made this special one for Verenabloo… Now, you guys can assign whatever meaning you choose to with this one…

See Also: Green Slime...

There’s a song with this one..too…(METAL – Sorry ‘bout that…) Happy Halloween, V!



(Dio) <<<Love Dio! :)

Musical Score

Do you like the dark?
Do you like the way it moves?
Do you come alive when neon
Kills the sun?

Are you hypnotized?
Part of the illusion?
Oh, ohh… see how they run!

It's the mystery…
Poetry and passion,
Innocence and fashion,
Evolution …Ways…

Night people…

Are you satisfied?
With the lessons that you're learning?
Is the fire really burning?
Do you know?

Hey dream child!
Promises are spoken…
And promises are broken…
Electric eyes that never let you
See them in the day…

Night people…
Night people…

Do you like the dark?
Do you like the way it moves?
Do you come alive when neon
Kills the sunshine?

Are you hypnotized?
Innocence and fashion…
Promises and passion…
Revolution ways…
And everybody stays…

Night people…
Night people, yeah!

Do you like the dark?
Do you like the way it moves?
Are you hypnotized?
Hey dream child!
You got electric eyes!
Hey dream child!


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