
  The Boiler - Tribute to Wes Craven  

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Uploaded: 03/29/10 4:38 PM GMT
The Boiler - Tribute to Wes Craven
Views: 752
Dlds: 44
Status: active

...Here's to the genius of writer/director Wesley Earl "Wes" Craven, and his modern horror creations such as "Last House on the Left", "The Hills Have Eyes", "The People Under the Stairs"...and of course his most famous (or infamous) concoction...Frederick Charles "Freddy" Krueger, and all the movies and TV features that spurned from the 1984 horror blockbuster "A Nightmare on Elm Street"...There is a new movie version due out at the end of April 2010 with actor Jackie Earle Haley now assuming the role of the Evil Dreamslasher...Unfortunitely, Mr. Craven has no involvement in any aspect of the new production whatsoever, but here's to you, anyway...Wes!

...Some of the inspiration to make this concoction also spurned from this submission from our own Adrienne (a.k.a. avedeloff)...Thanks so much!


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