
  Ladi Mo  

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Uploaded: 12/04/11 4:04 AM GMT
Ladi Mo
Views: 761
Dlds: 16
Status: active

"Some things just get better when vintage..."

...Mauretania Zanesky (a.k.a. "Ladi Mo") - Mother of Madame Zany and older sister of AntiB33, still lives life to the fullest...The now-retired founder of the Kreepy Kandy Company (which stocks many an Artopolan store shelf with all kinds of crazy sweet delights, such as the licorice "Spyder Stretcherzz", or the tantalizing "Gummi Buggzz" - a real favorite with the local kids) devotes much of her time running the Zanesky Artistic Foundation, an organization that supports the creative endeavors of future artists, writers, actors, musicians, etc...Ladi Mo also completely funded and organized the creation of the Zanesky Center for the Performing Arts, which houses the Artopolis Symphony Orchestra...She commands respect wherever she goes, and absolutely no one messes with her, especially "Hizz DISonner", Mayor Grafft...

See Also: CyberGothix Double-Neck...


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