
  Chelle - The Paganette  

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Chelle - The Paganette
Views: 759
Dlds: 16
Status: active

"A different world, for sure...But I've learned to adapt...Always getting into the swing of things..."

...Once a former resident of the Darklands (see map), Chelle was the apprentice of second-in-command Hellene, who always had the "lowest hopes" for her...but over just a few years, the young Paganette developed vision problems, and couldn't properly facillitate Hellene's rigorous training...Angered by Chelle's failures, Hellene cruelly pushed even harder, citing Chelle's impaired vision as "just another weakness that could be overcome"...Chelle tried as hard as she could, but still fell short of expectations... Enraged, Hellene brought the young Paganette before Seculaan himself, whom coldly stated, "Those whom cannot make the grade here, are not a part of this realm...So be it!"

The sadistic beast hit upon the happy thought of bansihing her from the Darklands forever, the only world she ever knew..."Let her live amongst the "freaks", he said, indicating the world outside of the Realm..."Her appearance will even be too much for them!"...And so it was done...The minions of Zeriaan Security escorted Chelle to the banks of the Phantoma River, (see map again) and said, "Whatever direction you prefer, as long as it's away from here!"

Chelle dove into the river and began to swim, with absolutely no idea where she was headed...In a few hours time, she found herself in Artopolis Harbor, and became very fearful of her strange surroundings...Nobody on Monster Mountain had ever mentioned anything to her about this place...She decided she'd wait until dark before she ventured onto land...

When she came onto the shore, to her suprise, there was an elderly woman standing there with a flashlight and a blanket..."I am Mauretania, young one...But you can call me Ladi Mo..." The woman extended her hand, "There's nothing to fear, for I have my own ways of finding out what transpires on Monster Mountain..."

And the rest is history...Slowly, but surely, Chelle became a part of the sisterhood of the Draculian Order, and found she was accepted by a fair number of others as well...Nobody said "Boo" about her appearance...She also received the help she needed for her eyes, and to even her own surprise, realized that she was quite a diverse female...She saw that she had more to offer the world than just the evil purposes for which she had been designed...

And design she does...Living with the Zaneskys, Chelle has a small studio within the Zanesky abode, for which she designs and produces a limited line of fashions that always turns heads and gets its fair share of positive reviews...The physical agility skills she obtained as a battle-ready minion on Monster Mountain also enables her to entertain the masses at Madame Zany's club doing her aerial stunts and trapeze routines...The house is always packed whenever the crowd sees the Paganette in the evening's line-up...

She only has one "pet peeve"...She hates wearing shoes, (she never knew what shoes were in the Darklands) and tends to leave them lying around, and sometimes forgets about where they are...Nobody messes with them, and eventually she gets them back, one way or another :)

See Also: Cybergirllzz, and The Paganette's Pumps...


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