
  AU Road Signs - Exit 555  

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Uploaded: 09/04/13 10:42 PM GMT
AU Road Signs - Exit 555
Views: 615
Dlds: 2
Status: active

Interesting exit here...

Not much going on in Chills Park, except that everyone there experiences a sudden creepy feeling running up their spine - all at the same time...Neither psychologists, nor parapsychologists can figure it out...

...McWail however? Something about this not-so-pleasant wealthy spinster lady that lived alone in her family mansion (along with her servants) some 100 years ago who took regular on-foot jaunts into town and back via an old horse trail that ran through dense woods in-between - one day was found decapitated somewhere in the middle...Some say the butler, after a scuffle over a pay raise the cheap old wench wouldn't allow, followed her into the woods with an axe and did the deadly deed...Others say a band of witches that rented one of the properties the old nasty owned in town, disgruntled over an eviction action... learned of her regular walks on the trail, and waited in ambush...The stories are numerous...

The interesting part is that on certain nights, somewhere on the old trail now dubbed, "Lady McWail's Ghost Path" or "McWail's Walk", near the place the body was found...her ghostly apparation, cradling the wailing decapitated head in her one arm will appear...In the spring and summer, she is seen to walk in the direction of town...Fall and winter, back towards the mansion, which she also haunts - but only during the month of October...The orderly seasonal behavior of this re-occurring spectre has made it the most popular ghost legend in all of Hauntedstate...The spook-gawking tourist activity, especially during the Halloween season, brings a fair amount of revenue (and publicity) to the area...Seems the old wench has done more good for the community in the afterlife...

Any takers? It isn't like Lady McWail's ghost is camera shy, or anything...Quite a freaky experience, in fact!

See Also: AU Road Signs - Exit 552...


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