
  Cross Village Shoreline Rocks  

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Uploaded: 08/05/10 1:22 PM GMT
Cross Village Shoreline Rocks
Views: 475
Dlds: 43
Status: active

We arrived a little early for lunch at Legs Inn, the Polish restaurant on Lake Michigan at Cross Village at the end of the Tunnel of Trees. So we went to the beach for 20 minutes until the restaurant opened for the day. Cross Village shoreline is where my husband fell into quicksand one April when we went rock hunting a little too early in the year. Jim was walking around a tidepool and stepped onto what he thought was solid sand, and sunk in up to his waist. Needless to say, he was pretty shook up by the incident and asked me to drive back to our motel. I had taken a different route back to the car with my bucket of rocks, and didn't realize what had happened to him until I got back to the car and noticed he was wet. We figured out later that the sun had not been out enough to dry up that area and we no longer rock hunt that early in the year, even though that time of year you can find good rocks that haven't been discovered by other rock hunters.


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