
  Kia Kaha  

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Uploaded: 02/25/11 11:04 AM GMT
Kia Kaha
Views: 515
Dlds: 75
Status: active

I took this photo on New Year's Day 2011. To be honest I did not notice at the time how damaged the macrocarpa tree was but decided to keep it anyway - it is a brave tree. Many of its leaves are withered, some of its limbs have been severed and it has been battered by nature, but it survives. Kia kaha (Stay Strong) dear tree.

Like Christchurch, it's roots are deep and it's heart is strong. I join with many others whose message to the people of Christchurch is Kia Kaha. With your own resiliance and strength, together with the help of those who have arrived from around the world to assist and the continuing love and support of your own country you will survive this battering and the tremendous losses and destruction it has caused.
Ake, ake, kia kaha Christchurch - For ever and ever be strong.

Thank you for viewing, thank you for caring.


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