
  A Mandelbulb Tree at Sunset.  

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Uploaded: 03/16/11 11:38 AM GMT
A Mandelbulb Tree at Sunset.
Views: 581
Dlds: 48
Status: active

Beware the fruit of yon Mendelbulb tree, for once you have eaten you will be forever changed. You will be cursed with an obsession for creating weird and wonderful images which have deep and hidden meaning - often seen only by yourself.
You will use many hours of your precious time creating and tweaking these images which have minds of their own and go their own way. Taming them becomes your focus - and you are lost. You are in Mighty Mendelbulbs clutches and may never escape.
So sample these fruits at your own risk . . . . it is said those eaten at sunset are most potent . . . . . .


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