
  Blood Diamond  

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Uploaded: 02/16/19 11:29 AM GMT
Blood Diamond
Views: 206
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Status: active

Blood Diamond - a 2006 film set in Sierra Leone in 1990, starring Leonardo DeCaprio.. I began watching this movie tonight, Saturday night - but was not in the right frame of mind to watch the horrendous violence that was the backbone of the gem trade, so I shall view the rest of it some other time. While not an actual true story is is based on events and atrocities against African miners and their families and children. The blood diamond in question, a large pink stone was found by Mende fisherman Solomon Vandy and he and two others with an interest in it are thrown into the midst of a brutal war.

Blood Diamonds are also known as Conflict Diamonds and are illegally traded to fund conflict in war-torn areas, particularly in central and western Africa, according to the World Diamond council, which represents the commercial diamond trade.

I decided to try creating an image for the Saturday Night At The Movies theme to represent this movie title. The image began its life as a red petunia :)


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