
  He Wasn't Thinking  

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Uploaded: 08/14/15 3:50 PM GMT
He Wasn't Thinking
Views: 394
Dlds: 147
Status: active

DONNIE (on the left): "Hey big brother, next time she opens the door lets bug outa here and go see the big world!" BENJAMIN (on the right): "Are you crazy? Here we sit with our own personal maid service, three squares a day (gourmet cat food), air conditioned/heated quarters, free medical care, de-fleaing services, free grooming, toenail manicuring, being called "sweetie" and "precious", lap time, bonus treats, toy stuffed mice deposited at our feet, our own personal cat furniture, diamond studded cat collars, our own personal beds, litter box maid services, back and neck massages, and all the catnip we can stand and you want to leave? Your NUTS!" DONNIE: "Your right, I wasn't thinking!"


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