
  The Colour Autumn  

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Uploaded: 01/12/10 11:14 AM GMT
The Colour Autumn
Views: 1144
Dlds: 68
Status: active

Taken 26th October 2008 in the Polish town of Mragowo, where I lived for a couple of years.

On the way out of town there was this old hill/park/thing that was covered in trees. Extremely green in summer, bleak in winter, and like this in autumn. I lived about a 10 minute walk from it.

The first year I was there I missed out on taking pictures of this place because the light and the weather just wasn't right. It was either overcast, or raining, or just plain miserable. The next year I waited until the leaves were just the right colour and ran for it one rare, sunny afternoon to make sure I got photos of this place.

I never really understood why people called autumn "fall" until I got to Europe.


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