
  Take me somewhere new  

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Uploaded: 10/27/10 3:20 PM GMT
Take me somewhere new
Views: 1336
Dlds: 52
Status: active

HOLY S*!t guys!!!!! I haven't been on here a week or so and you posted 95 photos!!!!!! I got a lot of neat things in store to see I'm guessing!!!! As soon as I get a chance I'm going to check out your wonderful stuff! ;) Can't wait to see what you have in store for me! So- I'm moving out end of January. I'm moving in with the bf. I am nervous. There has been so much going on lately that my mind really hasn't been working correctly for some time now. My to do list gets longer even when I cross things off!!!!!!! I feel so scattered and unorganized. This photo was suppose to turn out different. A LOT different. The editing took way longer than I thought and there wasn't a lot at all. It's late again, and I work early again. I need out of this routine so badly. Some good news is I got to photograph my best friends centerpieces... Yep! They are having photos of them in the center or their tables for the reception and in those photos are numbers- that will be the table numbers! :) They turned out so cute and they are coming over tomorrow to take a look!!!! I'd post them- but I dont want to spoil anything before the wedding- so I will afterwards... My eyes are going crossed- I hope you like this terrible edited photo I did and If you dont- TELL ME! i'll take it down- Hopefully I'll have some time this week to do another shoot- *crosses fingers*


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