
  Heart Shadow  

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Uploaded: 08/02/09 4:47 AM GMT
Heart Shadow
Views: 989
Dlds: 45
Status: active

While taking my pet cockatiel outside to enjoy the beautiful day ~ he likes hanging out literally (in his cage) on our carport so he can listen & watch all the humming/wild birds, I happened to look down at the hood of my 4 Runner & noticed a reflection from above. It was coming from a hole in a board on our deck above the carport. It was in the perfect shape of a heart. I tried as best I could to capture it, as I thought it was so unique & beautiful. Given that the 4-Runner is white & I am still using a point & shoot 5 mexa pixel camera (hope to upgrade this year), the images weren't quite as sharp as I would have hoped. But I tried to make the best of what I was able to capture. Used Picnik to help out on this one. I kinda like it ~ what do you think ?


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