
  From The Window In  

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Uploaded: 11/23/17 1:17 AM GMT
From The Window In
Views: 474
Dlds: 226
Status: active

A man and a woman are sitting at a table.
It is supper time. The air is green. The walls
Are white in the green air, as rocks under water
Retain their own true color, though washed in green.
I do not know either the man or the woman,
Nor do I know whatever they know of each other.
Though washed in my eye they keep their own true color.
David Ferry, Seen Through a Window

He left the drapes open, watched the lights of the cars and of the fast food joints through the window glass, comforted to know there was another world out there, one he could walk to anytime he wanted.
Neil Gaiman, American Gods

It is not real, he whispered. This place is only a thought that has grabbed hold of you. It cannot harm you. You are not of this place, and it has no power over you. You do not need it, nor do you owe it your allegiance.

I nodded, listening only to his words and not to the rattling of the windows, which had begun as soon as we stepped inside.
Rita Murphy, Bird

Fever Ray - If I had a heart - Vikings Soundtrack

This picture was created in Mandelbulb and PhotoShop.


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