
  Crataegus Laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet'  

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Uploaded: 12/19/14 11:16 AM GMT
Crataegus Laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet'
Views: 605
Dlds: 200
Status: active

Raj has told me that, in spite of his very fast internet connection, downloading my images on his computer takes, from time to time, a lot of time. He supposed that the size of my uploads (3200 x 2133 pixels) could be the reason. I explained him why I have some doubts about that.

So I asked a Caedes-friend, who has recently downloaded a lot of my images at full screen size, whether she was dealing with identical problems. She said to me that her internet connection was fast as usual.

Raj suggested me to reduce my image size to 3000 x 2000 pixels in order to check whether there is some improvement. That's not a problem to me, so I give it a try, therefore my Foofy Friday contribution for this week was somewhat reduced in size.


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