
  brochures 1981-2004  

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Uploaded: 06/16/09 3:28 PM GMT
brochures 1981-2004
Views: 921
Dlds: 120
Status: active

On special request... Although I am a novice here at Caedes, within the two weeks I presented some of my work here, I made a lot of friends (some "enemies" too I think). Several times from those members (friends) I was asked to show "more" of my work, but because I worked for 37 years as an independent photographer, I made thousands and thousands (seemes like a million) photo's for so many clients worldwide so it is difficult to make a right choise. Therefor I decided to take a different approach also partly because so many pictures have copyright restrictions by related clients, maybe this post will give you "guys" any insight in my previous work. It's a composition from some brochures I presented myself as a photographer, (again, because of copyright restrictions this comp is only updated to 2004). This post is therefor not meant as a regular photo but only for reference for those friends who so friendly asked for "more". Still, it's just a small "anthology" and some brochures used for this comp were, at the time I digitally scanned them out of the old shoebox, were already not in any good condition. If anyone is offended by this post I will remove the "picture" immediately. Maybe it's for the best if I stop for some time in posting another photo but in some time....?) Evert van Kuik sorry I couldn't find the proper category so I selected "Caedes"


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