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Uploaded: 10/17/07 10:49 PM GMT
Views: 3946
Dlds: 980
Status: active you see a part of old Manchester which runs alongside the Rochdale Canal in Castlefield which will soon be bought back to life once again. Unfortunately, meanwhile it has succumbed to the inevitable vandalism which is a reality in a lot of big cities! I was tempted to clone out the broken windows but this is real life, so I left them in. Originally built as a congregational chapel in 1853, the building has since been used as a Mission Hall, Christian Science Church, an Auction Room and most recently the basement of the building was used by Rick Waterman as a recording studio. The plans now are for have guessed! - it will be turned into a pub! ...but it will be tastefully done as planning rules are now quite strict when it has undergone its transformation I will be back to photograph it again, although I expect that the exterior will not change much, part from the windows, but it will be interesting to see the inside! :)


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