
  Lupines and meadow  

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Uploaded: 06/27/06 12:37 AM GMT
Lupines and meadow
Views: 2281
Dlds: 299
Status: active

I was tired, dirty, hungry and upset with myself as I left the town of Durango, Colorado. I knew better than to wait so long to find a campsite.The lighting was magnificent so I captured images as long as I felt there was some hope of producing a good image. Now, as I turned north and headed towards Red Mountain pass I knew that I had to find a place to camp. It was dark when I spotted a dirt road off to my right. Any port in a storm, I thought. As I turned down the dirt road I found a large lake. I pulled in and found a place to set up camp. I was so tired that I didn't eat, just went to bed. When I crawled out of my tent in the morning, this is what I discovered. What a beautiful place!


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