
  Paris Impressionism  

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Uploaded: 10/22/17 4:39 PM GMT
Paris Impressionism
Views: 829
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Status: active

I snapped the photo of this woman while outside Shakespeare & Co. waiting for my granddaughter to finish her purchase inside. Evidently, this woman had also visited the bookstore and was now relaxing amid the cacophony usually going on in that area. Just this week, Topaz Labs has come out with a new, FREE (!!!) processing software called Topaz Studio. While running it through its paces, I discovered a preset that has this texture and thought it matched up with the city's artists from the late 1800s. While I probably will continue to use my two trusted stand alone processing software, I'm going to continue to use this preset from time to time within the new Topaz Studio. Paris, France; July, 2016.


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