
  St. Lukes Cathedral  

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Uploaded: 03/01/15 12:40 AM GMT
St. Lukes Cathedral
Views: 820
Dlds: 276
Status: active

Here is the larger version of the one I posted called: PROUD MOMENT", the church liked my picture & post work so much they had it blown up and framed, then put on display in Oct 2014 at the front of the church for everyone to see. I did a lot of pictures of the outside & the inside of the church, presented the church with a photo album of my images as a gift.

As you see it was a really beautiful day in Aug 2014, when this was taken, while the secretary of the church was standing next letting me know when there were no cars coming, lol. It's on a busy intersection.

On this image it took me around 12 hours total of cloning out 9 power lines & a no parking sign in the front using a old program on my little PC which runs Windows 7, called: MGI PhotSuite 4. Brought out more detail and colour using my iMac with Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.

Of course being Sunday tomorrow, it's time where my husband and I enjoy our day together. Also having our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter up for dinner.

Going to be busy for the next few days, of course one of the days involves figure skating, getting ready to work at an ice show. So won't be around much or commenting.

Have a wonderful day, ♥ Skates


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