
  "Show Time - The Tourist Are Back"  

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Uploaded: 12/10/15 8:19 PM GMT
"Show Time - The Tourist Are Back"
Views: 743
Dlds: 225
Status: active

OK let's give them a show and please act natural & do the things you usually do, they have their camera's ready for some photo ops.

Here we are back at Disney World's Animal Kingdom in Orlando Florida. Going on the "Kilimanjaro Safaris" ride off in an open-air vehicle to see exotic animals like lions and elephants plus lots more. This tour takes us through lush African savanna, woodlands, streams & rocky hills for around 36 minutes. The animals have more than 100 acres of savanna to roam, but they stay close to the road due to strategically placed salt licks and water troughs.

Sure hope you have your camera ready.

If you view in full you can see there are some Ibis on the little island along with the beautiful and graceful flamingo's all around. In the background you can see their is a Bull Elephant with small tusk.

Using Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 on my now dead iMac, brought out more detail and colour. After that I used to make it smaller in order to upload here.

I liked the reflections through out the scene, thought I might give the current contest "Reflections" a try with this one. Let me know what you think please.

Thank You in Advance for your Comments and time for dropping by.

Have a Great Day, ♥ Skates


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