
  Rhyolite Maze  

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Uploaded: 01/15/07 7:48 PM GMT
Rhyolite Maze
Views: 6646
Dlds: 3170
Status: active

This is the view from some 1000m above Landmannalaugar, looking southeast towards the Hrafntinnusker ridge. 11pm, the sun going down low over the horizon, and the wonderful creases in this landscape, combined with rhyolite rock that is stained hundreds of colours meant for a glorious scene. The light show lasted but five minutes - the cloud during the day had been intermittent but closed in only five minutes after a gap had opened, and the golden rays of the sun disappeared till the next morning. Thankfully I was ready for this, and managed to get this shot composed and take before the scene lost much of its colour. To give a sense of scale - the river flowing in the valley way below is probably about twice as wide as the average 4x4 off-roader. If there is any human in this photo, they're going to be pretty invisible at this range!!


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