
  Up the pass #3  

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Uploaded: 10/31/07 12:27 AM GMT
Up the pass #3
Views: 318
Dlds: 14
Status: active

I really should change the name of these to Padarn Park :) A corner of the "Caban" from the slate museum. The " Caban" was much more than a canteen in the slate industry. Here men gathered to eat, but also to exchange news and debate, especially at times of unrest, such as the Lockout of 1885/86. In the caban policical movements were born, and football teams and choirs were organised. There was a strict hierarchy over who sat where, apprentices usually being furthest from the fire. Workers on the slopes also had their cabanod ( canteens) on the galleries giving them warmth and shelter. Thank you for looking.


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