
  Inside Plas Mawr... Going upstairs.  

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Uploaded: 04/03/08 10:47 PM GMT
Inside Plas Mawr... Going upstairs.
Views: 374
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Status: active

We are now going up to the second floor, where we will be visiting the Grand Hall, Lady Wynns bed chamber, a medievil toilet and a servants bedroom. Then we go even higher up into the watchtower, were some people with vertigo may want to sit that one out. The stairs up there are very very steep and dangerous. They are indeed the very steps that Mrs Wynn fell down when pregnant and it led to her death. Now back to the stairs. Please hold the rope. The walls actually have horse hair mixed in the stuff ( very technical term there) that they painted the walls with. You can actually see the hairs sticking out in a lot of places. The stairs are scary as when you see the underside of them you can see that they are actually held together by little wooden pegs, and boy do they creak when you stand on them. These are also the stairs that the servants would have had to carried all kinds of trays of food and drink up to the grand hall. Again please go in single file and hold the rope. LOL Thank you for looking xx


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