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Uploaded: 02/05/09 11:52 PM GMT
Views: 542
Dlds: 142
Status: active

Just me playing around trying to take night shots. Here we are looking out towards Llandudno's Great Orme from the Conwy Cob one evening two weeks ago. It made me think of THIS wonderful piece of music that I adore. Its the music from the Radio 4 shipping forecast, and it always reminds me of my Dad rocking my baby daughter to sleep as he waltzed around the room to it. The whole time whispering a story about fairies and trees,, so to me Sailing By is always known as Fairies and Trees now. Wow can it really be 18 years ago? Time passes so quickly, thank goodness memories are captured just like pictures xx

Thank you so much for looking and any comments, all are appreciated


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