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Uploaded: 10/01/06 8:16 AM GMT
Views: 1278
Dlds: 61
Status: active

found this dear little thing nestling under a bridge on the timbers of the overspill sluce draining from the Maleniec millpond. It's about 15mm in diameter (the 'shroom not the pond :P ) . Handheld from about 40cm, I'd have liked to have got a tiny bit more DOF but i dared not go above f8 for fear that the shutter speed would have allowed cam shake :/ I thought about playing with masks and curves/levels and even cloning to get rid of the highlight of a blade of grass and that blob but I'm mostly going for a non interventionist approach to my photos these days ... what you see is what I shot apart from a little white balance and a touch of sharpnening + gentle touch of curves at the RAW stage. Besides I'm leaning towards thinking they help capture and contain the 'shroom and guide our eyes to it a little :)


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