
  Coyote and Swallowtail  

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Uploaded: 06/21/10 5:49 PM GMT
Coyote and Swallowtail
Views: 2736
Dlds: 351
Status: active

This is a shot of a juvenile coyote that showed up at my very urban place of work in Eastern Kansas for a few days. I spotted it sleeping behind the landscaping plants. I grabbed my gear and took an early lunch and spent nearly an hour observing and photographing this pup. It was very curious about me and approached within about 15 feet before finding this swallowtail butterfly dying nearby. It gently picked it up in its mouth and retreated several yards before starting to play with it, much as a kitten would - throwing it into the air, catching it and shaking it about. It was quite a treat to experience.


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