
  Princess Arina  

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Uploaded: 04/30/07 2:36 AM GMT
Princess Arina
Views: 713
Dlds: 96
Status: active

A long time ago, in a land called Graasv, there was a little princess named Arina. The little princess had always loved to play in the garden by the pond, behind the old castle ruins. One of her favorite flowers was the blue tulip. She would dance and sing in her garden all day long, until the sun had set. Joining her in her garden by the pond, was her best freind, the frog prince. She loved to chase him, and he loved to chase her, they would laugh and play all thru the day. One day the King had seen this and could not believe his eyes. How could his favorite little princess have so much fun with a common frog. He summoned the kings court and his most loyal soldiers, and had him banished from the land of Graasv forever, never to return. This broke the heart of the little princess Arina. She cried for a many of moons, always wishing her best freind could come home to play and laugh again, with her...... thru the garden of blue tulips, by the pond, behind the old castle ruins......


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