
  Nr 10 - Meet ......My Favourite  

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Uploaded: 07/17/06 6:07 PM GMT
Nr 10 - Meet ......My Favourite
Views: 637
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Status: active

Gaboon Adder - is a highly venomous viper species. Native to equatorial Africa, it has the longest fangs of any venomous snake. It is also the largest member of the puff adder family and possibly the heaviest venomous snake in the world: heavier even than the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus.. The dimensions of this thick-bodied reptile can only be described as extreme, with reports of specimens of up to 2.4 metres in length and fangs over 63 mm long.The color pattern with a series of rectangles down its back and hourglass shapes on its sides, is often described as striking and one of the most beautiful of all snakes. The colors include black and different hues of purple, brown, yellow and beige. The head, which is distinct from the neck, looks like a large dead leaf, except for a pair of silvery white eyes. Overall, this is an excellent camouflage in the dappled light conditions of the forest floor.When it feels threatened it's capable of inflating its already bloated body considerably, after which it will force the air out again while flattening its head to produce a loud hissing sound in a slow and steady rhythm. Gaboon vipers prey on a large variety of terrestrial birds and mammals, as well as toads and frogs on occasion. There are also reports of gaboon vipers eating small antelopes and monkeys. - Thanx for checking in... :)


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