
  Carcassonne Aude Gate  

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Uploaded: 06/08/05 6:12 PM GMT
Carcassonne Aude Gate
Views: 6745
Dlds: 2937
Status: active

This is the Aude Gate of the city of Carcassonne. The Aude is the river that flows past the base of this hill. Carcassonne was the seat of the Trencavel family - heretic counts and victims of the Albigensian Crusade which swept through this region in the 12th century.

Besieged for an extended period, Carcassonne showed no sign of falling to the king's armies until by stupid chance the inhabitants sortied out to attack the king, and though they almost got him, they left the city gate open, and Carcassonne fell to the invaders. Its walls still stand, and are a most amazing relic of this period before Innocent III, bishop of Rome killed all his political opposition and became the infallible Pope.


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