
  Prague Across The Vltava  

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Uploaded: 11/15/07 1:14 AM GMT
Prague Across The Vltava
Views: 698
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Status: active

A freezing night saw my wife and I walking in the Mala Strana neighborhood of Prague last week when I looked across the Vltava river and saw this. I had made the trip without a tripod having assured myself that I needed a break from the incessant urge to photograph, but that day during a visit to the the Tesco Mall I saw a small German tripod - portable, stable, and because of its cost - disposable. Fortunately I bought it, because it allowed me to get this shot. Just after I got the shot the snow began to fall over the cobblestone streets and in the cemeteries and squares of the old city, and all chances of photography were gone, and we quietly slipped through the whitening snow-clad streets and alleys to our hotel and a warm bed.


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