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Uploaded: 02/09/14 7:14 AM GMT
Views: 505
Dlds: 176
Status: active

A section of fenceline at the local arboretum. My first hand-held attempt at using a new Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II tilt/shift lens. Closest focus is about 2 inches & tack sharp. Tilt to the right has been dialed in here, changing the plane of focus and allowing the foreground as well as background, to be in focus. I missed the correct angle and should have been rotated about 5-10 degrees to the right. Then everything would have become sharply focused, but this was the best of the bunch. I wanted the best landscape lens for the 6D and almost bought the Zeiss Distagon 18mm f/3.5 ZE wide angle, but this lens is superior in edge to edge sharpness and can do many other tricks with perspective. Oh, and it has zero distortion too. Canon created a Crown Jewel of a lens with this new 24mm tilt/shift and it's going to take awhile to get a handle on it. The recommention is to shoot tripod-mounted, and for shooting medium format sized panoramas, that's a necessity. But most of the time, I just find tripods too cumbersome. A carbon fiber monopod might be a better match for offhand shots like this. The only downsides are, it's manual focus only & you lose metering when you articulate the lens. There was some CA in the deep shadows where they met light areas too. A lot of that could be eliminated at the RAW conversion stage. It's expensive and comes with a steep learning curve, but for what it can do, now I think it's a steal. Those are just some thoughts from a caveman trying to figure out a calculator.


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